Friday, September 24, 2010

Tattoos-popular tattoo designs for girls

Girls always ask me what they are getting tattoos or what I think are the hottest tattoos for girls. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer because there are many different types of tattoos are there are girls. What can a person find other sexy consider unattractive or very unfeminine.

Some types of tattoos you can not fit the image you want to project. For example, some workplaces may not accept the highvisible tattoos even though tattoos are more accepted and more. It may be wise always to keep the Sacred Heart tattoo emblazoned on your chest if your boss freak out when (s) he sees!

So, say what you hope to make short articles, this is my intuition and experience within the industry to provide the tattoo for the last 9 or 10 years and highlight current trends in the tattoo and what are the most popular types of tattoosare for girls. At the end of the day you want a tattoo, the mood has a lasting appeal and not one was a tattoo done on this. If I give you some good ideas for your next tattoo all the better ...

Trends come and go. What was cool ten years ago is no longer cool. In the nineties, some types of tattoos such as cartoon characters like Betty Boop, barbed wire armbands and dolphins in the study were now seem to be very poor and simple.

TattooArt has come a long way in recent years. Types of tattoos have become perennial and have risen Some art, a point to get the respect and recognition they deserve for their complexity.

Varied styles as Japanese tattoos, Indian Hindu tattoos, Traditional American and Floral designs and anime are the bar higher and more popular.

Beyond that is the fact that people Beginning to see their hidden human skin as a canvas and not just random tattoos composition is placed randomly on a portion of the body. more and more women today are increasingly large tattoos and more of them.

This may explain the popularity of Japanese tattoos. In traditional Japanese tattoos each character has a meaning and interacts with other tattoo designs as part of the whole.

The same applies to the American tradition> Tattoos. Previously, what was done as individual tattoos organic disparate elements of American culture are now a weave being and the story is more like a swing.

The top five most popular tattoos for girls

Irezumi - Traditional Japanese tattoos - and more girls are like tattoo designs require large koi fish, dragons on the sides, back and arms.

Traditional American tattoos - Old school"Sailor Jerry 'tattoos and images such as vintage American cars, pin-ups, swallows and nautical stars are becoming more popular on girls breast, stomach, back and legs.

Floral tattoos - So many girls are always full flower as a tattoo sleeve tattoos or their entire back or legs with floral motifs. tattoo designs such as lotus flowers, peonies, orchids, chrysanthemums and flowering vines are thepopular.

Anime - Japanese animation has become huge and shows no signs disappear in the near future. As a result Anime tattoos have become so popular over the last five years. The only risk with Anime tattoo is that unlike other styles will probably age much faster, although it is looking good today.

Indian / Hindu tattoo designs - Like ancient Indian texts and spirituality being rediscovered in 1960 in the West as it ishas tattoo designs reflected in the application of Indians. They say everything old new.

Finally, the most important decision is to not get a tattoo on a whim or choose a tattoo that you think is cute or trendy. Give him a lot of thought. Good art should last. Think about the Mona Lisa's smile ...

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